How it began 🎬
UpLabs is an online platform where designers and developers can share resources to create apps and website. UpLabs challenges are contests that are regularly launched for users to challenge themselves. Participants have 2 weeks to register and submit their concepts. The Fitness App Challenge was the first one that I participated.
The design process ⏳
For this app challenge, there was no specific guidelines to follow. Participants could design anything as long as it was related to the theme. Before working on the wireframe, I did a quick mindmap of the features I wanted to include in the app. The features were based on my own experience using existing workout mobile app, what motivates me to exercise and what other things contribute to physical fitness (e.g. diet).

The Outcome 📸
Fitness U is a mobile app that helps users to start their fitness journey and to motivated and supported. The app not only provides workout programs but also recipes for healthier meals, reports on the user’s progress, free music playlist for users to listen while exercising/cooking and informative resources about fitness. Users will have the option to upgrade to a premium version to get access to coaches.
Adobe XD was used to create the Fitness U prototype. View Fitness U prototype
Using Adobe XD to design Fitness U app

Fitness U app

Personal learnings 🌱
Taking part in this 2-weeks challenge has pushed me to build my portfolio, especially in UI design. Like other projects I worked on, this has allowed me to keep practicing using prototyping software and learn new techniques along the way. I looked forward to try other design challenges!
Acknowledgement 🎊
I would like to thank the UpLabs team for this platform and for organising UpLabs challenges.